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09 January 2014

Linh is Now Officially a WVU "Mountaineer"!

It has been a very busy & long day - sequence of events as follows:

1 - Linh's day began with a mandatory 3-hour "in-processing session" and English language exam <-- test results will be used to schedule her intensive English classes. Linh will receive her official English language test results (reading, writing, speaking & listening) and class schedule tomorrow.

2 - 2-hours at WVU's International Office of Student Scholars (OISS) to get Linh's Homeland Security I-94 and "WVU Letter of Good Standing" <-- both required to get her WV Learner's permit! OISS also gave us Linh's Aetna Medical insurance card!

3 - 1-hour wait in line to get Linh's WVU Student ID card (bottom pic).

Given her new WVU Student ID card - Linh OFFICIALLY became a WVU "Mountaineer"! (top pic)

4 - Short Lunch

5 - Flu shot @ Kroeger's Pharmacy.

6 - 2-hour grocery shopping spree @ Kroeger's <-- Linh was amazed that she could "see a doctor" (flu shot from pharmacist) AND grocery shop @ the same place!

7 - Dropped Linh off @ her apartment with groceries. She was pooped and - given her new grocery hoard - she decided to cook/eat at her apartment tonight. She did not invite me - so I ate alone @ the Peking House (see below entry).

Yesterday's high temp = 5 degrees. Today's high temp = 35 degrees. So - today's events were much more tolerable - albeit the day involved an overwhelmingly large # of incredibly confusing (to Linh) activities!

It has been 3 days and I still canNOT talk! Makes it terribly difficult to cope with all the processing crap!
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