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21 January 2009

A Dispatch from Bhaktapur, Nepal

Bhaktapur (located on the rim of the Kathmandu valley about 35k from Kathmandu city) has a very magical, medieval feeling to it and entering the area is like walking back in time.

left: The 16th century, 55-room palace is unchanged and has only needed minor renovations since originally built.

right: Located near the palace, are the king's royal baths - which is huge!

left: Nepali potters have been making and firing clay pottery in the same location since the 1100s!

right: This is the famous Dunbar Square in Bhaktapur. Again, incredible medieval feeling. Note the ever-present crystal blue sky of Nepali winter!

left: This 14th century Chyasilin Mandap reminded me a lot of the Angkor Wat temples which were also originally built by Hindus..

right: Me in front of the most famous structure in the city - the 13th century Nyatapola Temple. Many Hindus make pilgrimages to this temple where many animals are sacrificed throughout the year.