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26 December 2013

More 1st's & Rehoboth Beach Shopping/Exploring

Linh (using Santa's stocking $'s) and Mary spent the entire day (7+ hours) shopping for clothes at Rehoboth Beach's many "named brand outlet" stores with NO sales taxes! I do not understand why - but unfortunately - Linh did NOT buy anything because she said everything was "too expensive"!?

Vinh & I did some Rehoboth Beach area exploring. Vinh had his 1st-ever Cafe' Breve' (cappuccino made with half-and-half) - he loved it better than ANY Vietnamese strong coffee (top pic)!

I also took Vinh to a Veterans of Foreign Wars club <-- I am a member because I am a Vietnam war veteran. Vinh was SCHOCKED because: 1) you CAN smoke inside (and can NOT smoke ANYplace else in US), and; 2) he thought it was very strange that everyone there was/must be a "war veteran"! <-- This also intimidated Vinh because he understood that most people at VFW must be Vietnam War veterans - like his new Vietnam veteran friends (bottom pic)! Everyone @ VFW club welcomed Vinh to US, were very friendly & enjoyed talking to him.
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