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22 December 2013

Vietnam Veterans' Memorial 1

Linh & Vinh slept for 16+ hours last night and both were feeling much better today. After eating a good lunch (at a Thai restaurant), I asked if they wanted to do a "short tour" of DC. They were excited and said yes.
I insisted that the first monument that Linh & Vinh visited be the Vietnam Veterans' memorial.
Top pic is of me showing Vinh the 3 names of the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP) that I lead who were killed in 1967.
Bottom pic is of Linh & Vinh being amazed by the number of names who died and how "beautiful" the memorial is -- and many visitors certainly agree because it is visited by more tourist than any other Washington DC monument!
It was a very emotional visit for me - but very special because Linh/Vinh were the 2nd & 3rd Vietnamese people that visited the memorial with me. Max was the 1st Vietnamese that visited the memorial with me. BTW - I have known Max for 15 years!