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16 July 2010

Sariska Palace Lawn Party

Many blog readers thought I should post the fact that I did attend the "lawn party" & what happen. So ...
I did attend & when I got back to my room at 3AM I was surprised to find several emails encouraging me to go to the lawn party. So - because I did go - here's a short report.
Good thing I ate long before the party because they didn't eat until about 11:30PM! Of course the food was Indian & I still have not acquired any taste for curry. Music was primarily Bollyworld Indian with a few badly "accented" English lyrics here & there. The people were incredibly interesting - 99% professional corp types. But the Royal family had been invited & several attended. I met & spoke with 2 "princes".& 1 princess - all 20-somethings who I believe attended only because the Bollyworld band that played is well..known & popular here. I found it strange that few of the corp types would even acknowledge the presence of the royals in attendance. I believe that I was the only American there & many folks approached me to talk. Some fascinating discussions resulted - primarily about IT, Obama, & residential/commercial construction <- which is what these folks/corp do - and this type of business is booming in India.