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03 August 2010

Kerala Kathakali (story, play)

For 600+ years Kerala state has a unique (to this state) heritage of staging Hindu Kathakali <- which literally means a story or play. All actors are male because they stage Hindu stories in temples on a continuous basis throughout the year & women are not allowed in temples during their menstrual periods. Male actors portray both male and female Hindu gods/characters spending long periods of time applying their make-up - top pic.
Kathakali performers dedicate a minimum of 20 years to studying at the Kathakali academy near Cochin. During this time they never marry.
Kathakali performers never speak while performing. Instead they use a unique sign/body language, gestures & facial expressions, which most temple audiences can understand because they have seen the temple performances for many years,
Center pic is of performer acting as a Hindu god - their elaborate costumes can weigh up to 40 pounds. Bottom pic is of god being seduced by a demon maiden.